Sunday, November 8, 2015

SOS Foundation Repair Reparacion de fundaciones en Dallas

El principal problema que hace que las casas se undan es el drenage del agua al rededor de la casa. El cliente no deve permitir que el agua de la lluvia o el agua de la mangera entre de bajo de la casa. Si el agua entra de bajo de la casa el terreno se hace lodoso y la casa se unde. Por lo contrario el cliente deve mantener el terreno al rededor de la casa humedo. Al mantener el terreno humedo usted evita que la tierra que esta al rededor de la casa se seque. Si la tierra que esta al rededor de la casa se sequa el terreno hace unas grietas grandes que permiten que la humedad que esta devajo de la casa salga y el terreno de bajo de la casa se encoge. El terreno se encoge por que se deshidrata. Como el terreno es barro al deshidratarse la tierra de bajo de la casa hase que la casa se hunda.

Es importante que no ponga agua directa mente en la fundacion. Si usted pone agua directa mente en la fundacion creara problemas de fundacion en su casa. Si usted no riega al rededor lo suficiente como para mantener la tierra humeda tambien creara problemas por que se deshidratan los terrenos. Es importante regar la tierra solamente un poco. Al regar la tierra puede usar una mangera negra de sudor llamada en ingles "soaker house". Esta no es para empapar la tierra sino que solo para mojar y humedeser el terreno un ratito. Pongala de uno a tres pies de distancia y no directamente al lado de la fundacion.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How to Water the foundation of your house

Watering the foundation of the house is one of the major causes of foundation problems. It is important to understand what happens to the soils under the house when you water and when you dont. When watering the foundation we need to know how far away from the house, how much water to use, and what happens when you don't water at all.

how far away from the house should I water my foundation?
You should water the soils around the foundation and put soaker hoses or drip lines two feet away from the house. Do not water the foundation directly this can create a soils shift under the house and create expensive foundation repair problems. The soils should slope away from the house if you have cracked soils and soils separating from the foundation you should fill them with top soils and make sure the soils are sloping away from the house.

how much water to use on the soils around the house?
After you make sure the soils slope away from the house, you should keep the soils moist, and never soak the soils. Yes, I understand that a soaker hose was recommended, but that is just the name of the hose. The right technique for your foundation maintenance is to water enough to keep the grass green. If you have too much water you can risk the fact that the soils can swell and push the house up. The problem with pushing the house with water is that the problem becomes a lot worst.

what happens when you don't water at all?
When you don't water at all the house can drop because the moist from under the house escapes through the cracked soils. Because the soils are mostly clay when the moist escapes the soils tempt to shrink. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Sos Foundation Repair

When you purchase a house in Texas the possibilities of the foundation to shift is very large compare to other states due to the clay soils. The main cause of soil movement is the lack of proper drainage. The foundation of a house needs to remain moist enough to keep the house from sinking into the ground. Too much water can create a soil movement that will not favor the structure of the house. The best thing to do is to keep the water draining away from the house, and keep the soils around the house humid. There are other reasons foundation problems can occur, but for the sake of simplicity we will mention the basics first.

Most companies use the concrete pilings for foundation repair. Some companies like to discard the concrete by selling steel piers. We at SOS Foundation Repair can do both. We can also do drilled piers. However, we do not recommend drilled piers since they seem to have a pre-determined dept and tempt to sink down the road. The concrete pilings are much better piers for the money and the warranty is lifetime.